"SmartExpo" stand production company offers services related to the design and installation of exhibition equipment, including exhibition stands. The company has a rich experience in this field determines the quality of the work, as a result of which you get guaranteed original and high-quality exhibition stands. Exhibition stands created by Smart Expo will attract the attention of future partners and customers, as well as your status. Exhibition stands have become an integral part of the implementation of events and other similar projects. It is impossible to grow a business without effective advertising. Therefore, possible advertising The design of structures has become so popular. You can see the finished exhibition stands in the product catalog of Smart Expo. How are they different from art facilities and standard trade pavilions? Exhibition stands are the company's calling card in the forum and in a highly competitive environment in this field. Exhibition stands not only perform representative functions, but also address important marketing issues:
When ordering an exhibition stand, keep in mind that one of its main purposes is to attract attention and separate the company from the general "noise" of information and advertising. A few seconds are enough for the visitor to be interested in the offer and decide whether it is really possible to work with the Company or not. Types of exhibition stands: From the point of view of decision-making on the choice of location, Smart Expo produces seven types of exclusive stands for exhibitions: Line - one-sided stand. Such exhibition and advertising stands are optimal when there is a lack of space. Angle - two face surfaces work. Such stands for the exhibition help to win in small footage. Peninsula - provides three-way access to the exhibition. Perfect for presentations and shows. The island is an open area that gathers the main elements in the center of the exposition. Requires proper organization. This is also suitable for large exhibition areas. It is open on both sides - one or more passages provide a good view of the exposition. Such an exhibition stand guarantees a high density of visitors. Opposite are two exhibition stands with free facades. The design decision must emphasize that these parts belong to the same composition. Each module must be staffed separately. Multi-level - two-storey buildings. These types of exhibition stands allow you to significantly expand the scope of the exhibition and attract attention with its unusual architecture. gives. How much is an exhibition stand? It is difficult to answer the question of the value of the exhibition stand unequivocally. The approximate number can be obtained using a calculator. To find out the exact price of the services, you need to contact the experts. You call our specialists or come to the company's office. Factors affecting the value of the stand:
By contacting us, you can be sure that the services you receive are flawless.